You Have Me

It’s been a while but I’m back.

Today’s topic:
If your sensitive to any of the following please stop reading.
Teen Suicides, Attempted Suicides, Depression, Anxieties, Self Harming, Abuse, Bullying…I could go on and on.

This is a serious (and has been) for years, issue. Why do we/our children, teens, even adults think they have no where to turn or talk to? I did. I couldn’t even tell my family, friend’s or even my husband. No one had any idea what I was going through, what demons I was fighting or what I was doing to myself.

Yes it’s hard to talk about issues. Maybe even scary. I believe no issue is to small/big to talk about. If there are ANY teen’s, adult’s in our communities that feel they have nowhere to turn or no one to talk to, PLEASE DON’T. You do. Hell I’ve always had my door open, I know you don’t know me, but sometimes that is the best people to talk to when you think you have no one. No judgement, I just want you to know you have somewhere and someone to talk to.

I have personally been through hell and back since I was born. I think I’ve been through everything possible that a person can go through…but I’m here today…a survivor, a strong woman, wife, sister, mother, auntie, friend and even a grandmother. I just want to reach out to our community and the world about one serious issue we have in America today that no one likes to talk about. I get it. Its hard. I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! I need to. If I can save 1 person I know I’m doing something good in this big crazy world we live in.

God bless you all and lets pull together as a community and keep our community safe.